Tuesday, January 13, 2009


'Kah - Leen - ah'.

Soft spoken, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. She loves to cuddle, and is the first to offer a kiss for her older siblings' boo-boos.

Kalyna is our last baby. She was conceived after two losses, and early on we were sure we had lost her too. It was the hardest times in my life, and yet the Lord blessed us through them.....showing us just how precious life is, and what gifts our children are.

I always loved my children, but there were many days that my focus was on the work of caring for them, as opposed to the honour of raising them. Following our losses, and then our miracle, I have never looked at my children as less than the blessings they are. (and sometimes blessings are hard work too!)

I loved the baby stage, and I was dreading the toddler stage with Kalyna. I knew it probably meant more Independence (a bittersweet inevitability), and less cuddle time....and I braced for it. She surprised me with her continued enjoyment of those snuggles and nearness times, and I will milk it for all it's worth!

At almost 3 years of age, Kalyna has taught our family about putting others first--well, putting her first, anyways! She's still learning about how to ask for things politely. She'll say 'please and thank you'.....and that's great! However, when it's said in a high-pitched, shrill scream, most people have a hard time making out the words.

Kalyna. Our little 'Cranberry bush' (Ukrainian meaning).

1 comment:

Emily said...

That girl is too stinking sweet. What a DARLING child. I am sure she gets all those traits from her Daddy.