Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On the scale of 1 to enternity...

This is a phrase used quite often by my Mother. I can remember her saying these words when I was a little girl--usually when I was in the midst of a temper tantrum.

Mom would cuddle me in her arms and stroke back my hair, all the while saying, "Sarah, on the scale of 1 to eternity, is this issue really worth getting worked up over?"

When put into that perspective, it's hard to justify any tantrum! Including my adult tantrums...which from time to time have been known to happen in my house.

It's taken years for me to come to a place of Peace about the unfairnesses (yes, I use my own words still!) of life. I spent a lot of time trying to convince myself and others that if you were living your life exactly how God wanted you to, then you would not experience heartache and strife.

Boy, was I ever wrong!

It was exhausting keeping that smile on my face as my heart broke time and again with the pain of loss, the frustrations of an imperfect husband, and the failures I faced as a Mother. I would berate myself over and over for allowing my feelings to bubble to the surface, convinced that I was failing as a child of God.

I was unable (or maybe unwilling) to hear God's truth as He gently took me into His arms to ask if my worries were beneficial....on His scale of 1 to eternity. The familiar phrase, with my partial understanding, would help me to brush off the tears and start over again.

Over this last summer God has been working on my heart and in my head about what He cares about in my life. I was never promised a life void of pain and upset, nor a life full of riches (this side of Heaven). The Promise that Christ brought to us was not for this lifetime....the Promise is the reward for keeping our eyes on Jesus during our brief time on earth.

So, on the scale of 1 to eternity:

  • I am a baby, still in the womb, awaiting my birth.

  • Focusing on the hardships in life distracts me from serving the Lord with Joy.

  • I will have all eternity to rest, this life is my opportunity to earn that rest with hard work with God's help.

  • Healing comes in many forms, including being called home--where sickness does not exist.

Take a moment to reflect on different stresses in your life and ask yourself, "On the scale of 1 to eternity, is this worth getting worked up over?"

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