Friday, January 2, 2009

Prayer time

I know how important prayer is in a Christian's walk of Faith. I have seen time and time again the changes that occur in one who prays diligently. I have experienced the shame and embarrassment when I realize that I don't spend nearly enough time in communion with my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

There was a time that the shame kept me from seeing all the opportunities in a day to communicate with God Himself. As that nudging feeling would remind me that I needed that closeness again, to refill the Spirit within me, I would turn away and put my Friend back up on a shelf.....

I was too busy. I had too much to do. I didn't know what to say, and I had fallen so far off the path--how could I face Him again?

I could imagine how Eve felt as God came looking for her in the Garden of Eden. She knew she was naked and exposed, and tried to hide from Him. I felt a similar wave of fear with each reminder that I was avoiding my part in a relationship. I was not fearful of repercussions, I was fearful of the disappointment that I would surely face from the One who knew my deepest thoughts.

Since I did not answer His call during the day, The Lord came to me in my sleep. It was the only time that my mind was not racing with the day's activities, and I could actually hear His voice. He was not angry. He did not admonish me. He embraced me and told me He loves me. Always. He does not need for me to wake early or stay up late and meditate, all He asked for was a dialogue, a friendship.

"Hello Jesus, today I'm feeling rather low. There is too much on my plate, and I'm feeling overwhelmed. Please help me carry this burden, and help me to be who you want me to be."

I found myself including Him in all that I do. From putting the dishes away, to breaking up yet another argument between my kids. He was there to guide my reactions, or to help me clean up the mess I left when I would lose my temper. I began to see how He was making me a better Mom, wife and person.....and I wasn't losing any time by adding Him in my life. In fact, I was enjoying my time much more.

God is not a part-time listener....He's a full-time Father who yearns for a relationship with His children. One day I hope I can be in a place where my devotions to Him are longer than my focus on worldly 'needs'. Until then, I know that He will continue to mold me into the child He intended for His service.

Have you said 'Hello' to Jesus today? Don't be surprised if He answers back.

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