Monday, April 27, 2009

This post does not exist.


You are not reading these words because I'm in denial. And, as we all know, until I recognize the issue (or issues), it does not exist in my life. So, this whole post does not exist because I'm going to talk about something that does not exist in my life.


Remember how I went off coffee creamers to see if it would have any effect on my waistline? And remember how I 'cheated'--but not really--and felt guilty all the same?

Well, I'm back on creamers. (I know! I was shocked too!)

The first week or so wasn't so bad. I was able to add just a 'dab' of cream and be satisfied. Then I tried a Cappuccino. With cream. was heavenly! Each day I needed just a smidgen more to satiate my desires. I told myself that it wasn't that bad, I mean, one little drop more couldn't hurt, right?

I became very comfortable (and generous) with my coffee cream. So much so that I now fill my mug 1/4 full with cream before the coffee goes in! (You can't be grossed out by this....after all, I didn't really say any of it because I'm still in denial)

I do believe I mentioned a few posts back that I don't stick with anything for more than about 2 weeks at a time, right? Therefore, none of this should come as a surprise to those who pay attention to my ramblings.

Anywho....what was I talking about? Oh, yeah! My jeans have shrunk again. I'm determined to write a complaint to the jean manufacturers about these faulty pieces of clothing! Stay tuned for my world-wide petition against shrinking material being used in women's jeans! It must be discrimination! It may take me some time to figure out the best wording for said petition......

In the meantime, I'm going to start playing soccer again to release some of these pent up (denial) feelings.


Sarah said...

haha! This post cracked me up. Hey, I'm impressed you gave up creamer that long.

I'm currently hooked on plain old powder coffee mate. I love the stuff.

~Sandy said...

You crack me up:)

Lindsay said...

Oh my gosh, you are too funny! Those darn shrinking pants, I have a few pairs of them myself! :-)

Blameless said...

I just can't get used to the powder doesn't cool the coffee down enough to drink right away, and I always burn my lips. (You'd think I'd learn the first time not to drink it so fast!)

I'm flawed...that's for sure. I refuse to take the blame for my shrinking pants, though! lol