Friday, May 15, 2009

Speaking of trials and lessons...

Here's the background story in Annlise's own words:
"Okay, so I was playing on the playground at the end of Gym class (we had outdoor gym today), and a boy was daring me to jump from a high place on the play structure.
Mom. You can't say no to a dare from a BOY! So, I jumped down and I was fine. He said that I probably couldn't do it again, and I told him I could.
I climbed up and jumped again....but this time it hurt bad. I even cried!!!"

That's my girl! You show that boy how smart and tough you are.....two hairline fractures to your heel bone later, I'm sure that's what he's thinking. LOL

3 weeks with no weight-bearing allowed. This is going to be F.U.N!


Lindsay said...

Oh no! Poor little thing!

I actually did the same thing when I was around her age (age 7?). Playing tag with the boys, being chased by a particular boy I had a crush on, tripped and fell on the concrete and broke my arm. LOL.

I hope she gets better fast!

~Sandy said...

Poor little tough girl. Atleast she showed that boy:) Tooooo cute but so sorry she had to get hurt. I sure hope it heals quickly.
Big hugs, Sandy

G. L. said...

impressive!! you've got a brave girl there! :-)

Blameless said...

Thanks ladies...she certainly is a risk-taker...I wish she wouldn't take so many dangerous risks though!

Lindsay, she IS 7! I guess it's the age, lol!