Monday, August 3, 2009

Jesus feeding the multitudes

Remember the story of Jesus feeding the crowd, even though He only had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish?

The small amount of food seemed to grow as it was consumed.

The disciples wanted the crowd to turn away from Jesus and find their own food. Jesus took what should have been a crisis, and turned it into an important lesson: Keep your eyes on Jesus, and He will provide. Literally.

I've been reflecting on my need for God's Grace in the recent few weeks. I was desperate at times, feeling that I had depleted His stores for me, and I only had a handful left to try and get through the tough times.

I looked around me at the growing piles of laundry, dishes, and outside stresses and was convinced that I would be swallowed up by life's worries. I tried to ration out the little Grace that was left within me.....but I used it up dealing with the children's bickering.

Uh oh. Now what? I was on the verge of imploding, with a high possibility of collateral damage.

I had two choices: Give into my urge to fall to pieces, or get on my knees. The children were expecting the former, so you can imagine their surprise when Mommy got down on her knees and began to pray.

"Lord, you don't give us more than we can handle with your help. I need that help right now, and I trust that you will provide it. Amen."

Then it happened. A miracle! The Grace (which I had used up) began to grow. Not only did it grow, but it spread to my husband and children....I even had left over Grace to offer to my neighbors!

I can't do it on my own. I have never been able to. The times that I didn't know where my help came from, He carried me without being thanked. Now that I do know where to turn, I praise and thank Him daily. Jesus is my daily bread....and my fish.


G. L. said...

I love reading stories like that. Thank you for this.


Unknown said...

I love you! This is wonderful!