Monday, January 5, 2009

What do you need?

For the past 5 nights, my younger son, Alec (9), has been staying up late in his room. When I would walk past his room (around 10 pm) to turn out the light, assuming he was asleep, I would find him either reading his book, playing his Nintendo DS, or just tinkering with this lego.

My initial reaction had been exasperation and frustration, with quite a few sighs thrown in for good measure. I admonished him for staying up so late, knowing that he needed rest for school starting up again after the holidays.

That first interaction produced some tears, and I went over to hug him. I ask him why he couldn't sleep. Was it a tummy ache? no. Was it a headache? no. Do you need to use the washroom? no.

"What do you need, Alec?"

Mom, I'm scared to close my eyes. Every time I do, I see bad pictures and have bad thoughts. that's something I know how to help with.

I placed my hands on Alec's head, and prayed, "Dear Jesus, we ask that you place your healing hands upon Alec, and take away his bad thoughts and dreams. Lord, give him the rest he needs in order to wake up refreshed and ready for the new day. Thank you, Lord Jesus, Amen."

I looked at Alec, and he smiled. I told him that the prayer needed one more thing. He asked what it was, so I answered, "It needs for you to agree with the words spoken by saying Amen."

Why is that, Mom?

I answered, "Because the Bible states: 'For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.'"(Mat.18.20)

Again, that smile crept across his face, and he whispered, "Amen."

Each night after that, he would stay awake until I'd pass by his room. He would complain that he couldn't sleep, and I'd ask, "What do you need?"

A little smile, and a shy, "I need a prayer, Mom" would be all that was needed to get me to cross the room to his bed. I would ask him to state to Jesus what his fears were, and he'd go through the list of concerns. I would then say the prayer, with Alec echoing his 'Amen' at the end.

What began as an annoyance, has become a beautiful bedtime ritual; one that has brought me the joy of praying with my children. I think the Lord used a child to lead me (again), and showed me the need in my life: laying my burdens before Him, and trusting that He will carry me through.

Alec is sound asleep within 5 minutes of prayer.....trusting in His Lord and Saviour to fulfill his needs.


Emily said...

YOu amaze me and inspire me. You are always so calm and always put your children's needs ahead of frivilous things. I <3 you!

Anonymous said...

That is so stinkin' sweet. Bless you for posting this today. I pray with the kids, but not often enough.