Sunday, March 22, 2009

Men and Women are Different.

And they will never, ever be the same. It's true. It took me a very long time to really grasp the reality of this thought.

When I first met Arnaud, I was blinded by the fairy tale notion that once you fall in love, everything just works out. Each time he displayed less than romantic or inconsiderate gestures, I would simply tell myself that eventually I'd have him 'fixed' to my specifications....because, after all, I was worth changing for, right?

I tackled each disagreement we had with my own understandings and experience. The 'equality' movement had me convinced that we are equal--in thoughts, feelings and intentions. Thus, I approached Arnaud with the attitude that he knew better, so all of his actions (or lack thereof) were intentional and he was just 'feigning' shock at my reactions.

You can imagine my own surprise when it finally dawned on me that his brain actually works differently than mine! I think this realization came at a very good time in our marriage.....somewhere between the 'sleeping-on-the-couch-is-your-only-option' and 'is-it-considered-abuse-if-you-are-just-smacking-some-sense-back-into-him?' stage.

Here are some observations I have made in the ten years since we said "I do".

Women have great ideas. Awesome ideas. And they're always right (at least in their heads).
Men need to think they have great ideas. Awesome ideas....and they need to be right sometimes.

When it comes to marriage, women would prefer sooner rather than later.
For men, never seems like a good time to tie the knot.

It's not a 'ticking' of the biological clock that women hear (in fact, it never was such a soothing sound)'s more of a Jack Hammer that picks up strength as we watch our friends' families grow.
Men don't have biological clocks...either that or they are using selective hearing.

Women are impatient by nature (when there's a job to do, let's get it done!).
Men's first reaction to impatience is resistance. Strong resistance...unless it has to do with a flat screen t.v. and sports.

There are times to push for what is important, and there are times to convince your husband that it was his idea in the first place. If he gets the credit, you both come out happy in the end...he thinking he got his way, and you knowing you did.

Disclaimer: There are always exceptions to these rules, and all of this was stated in good fun! ;)


lookingforhope said...

I absolutely know that you did this post in fun, but I am reminded that one thing that has blessed me abundantly through my marriage is realizing God didn't call Craig to be a woman. Funny how many women don't understand that and think men are stupid or less than.

Blameless said...

Ha ha, yes, it was all in fun. I also recognize the strengths that Arnaud brings to the union, and how much better I am because he is not anything like me!